Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts from December 2023

Adding reading time estimates to blog posts

Statiq makes this sort of extension pretty easy

The second idea on my "little things I'd meant to add to this blog for a while" list was reading time estimates. Like the reading progress indicator from before, this shouldn't be tricky, and in this case I wanted to write it down in case anyone else working with Statiq was interested in achieving something similar on their site.

C# Statiq ~3 min. read

Adding a reading-progress bar to blog posts

Easy stuff isn't always as easy as you expect

I'd had the idea that I should add a "reading progress" indicator to my blog posts for a while now, and I finally got around to adding it the other weekend. What I'd assumed would be a five minute job had an interesting issue I thought I should document for others...