I came across an interesting approach for improving the performance of
automated package installs
the other day. In the space of one day of internet reading I saw the
class mentioned
in a blog post
and it came up in MVP forum discussions. In both cases, it was mentioned in the context of making item operations faster. Hence it seemed like an interesting thing to investigate, to see what sort of difference it would make to my previous work.
public void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var files = WebUtil.GetQueryString("modules").Split('|'); if (files.Length == 0) { Response.Write("No Modules specified"); return; } Sitecore.Context.SetActiveSite("shell"); using(new BulkUpdateContext()) { using (new SecurityDisabler()) { using (new ProxyDisabler()) { using (new SyncOperationContext()) { foreach (var file in files) { Install(Path.Combine(Sitecore.Shell.Applications.Install.ApplicationContext.PackagePath, file)); Response.Write("Installed Package: " + file + "<br>"); } } } } } }
In PowerShell we can time code with the .Net
$sw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() # Put the code to time here... $sw.Stop() Write-Host "Elapsed time: $($sw.Elapsed)"
If we wrap that around the PowerShell code which is calling the ASP.Net code above, we can measure the elapsed time for installing a set of packages:
function Add-Packages() { $siteName = Get-ConfigParam "InstanceName" $sitecoreFolder = "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\$($siteName)\Data\packages" $sw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() foreach($module in Get-ConfigModules) { # make querystring $query = (Split-Path -Path $module -Leaf) # Copy the package Write-Host "Copying package $query to Sitecore package folder..." Copy-Item $module $sitecoreFolder -force Write-Host "Calling package upload tool for $query" # call tool $url = "http://$siteName/PackageDeploy.aspx?modules=$query" $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -TimeoutSec 600 -OutFile ".\$siteName-PackageResponse-$query.log" -PassThru if($result.StatusCode -ne 200) { Write-Host "StatusCode: $($result.StatusCode)" throw "Package install failed for $($query)" } # Removing installed package file $file = Join-Path $sitecoreFolder $query Remove-Item $file -Force } $sw.Stop() Write-Host "Package install time: $($sw.Elapsed)" write-host "Package tool done..." }
If I run this as part of a scripted install of a new instance of Sitecore 6.6 and adding SPEAK and Email Campaign Manager packages then, an average of 10 runs gives me:
Repeating just the package installs a further 10 times on top of the already-installed instance gives an average elapsed time of:
So while that's not a statistically rigorous analysis, it does suggest that it's well worth adding that extra line of code to improve the performance when installing big packages, or multiple packages...
Edited to add: As pointed out by
on twitter, the underlying code for
disables the publishing queue while the install proceeds - so you need to remember to publish things yourself after you've finished with your package installs.
Another point I failed to add in my original write-up was that you'll want to update your search indexes after using this approach. (Thanks to make use of the post I wrote on index builds to address this.
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