Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts tagged Analytics

Why am I still missing some GeoIP data?

Recently I wrote about an issue I encountered where a client's website was missing its GeoIP data (and the related back-end analytics data) entirely. While the changes discussed in that post solved the problem of there being no MongoDB data for GeoIP lookups at all, I continued to see odd issues with many users not being located after those fixes were made. Sorting this out seems to suggest that some of the "common wisdom" about configuring GeoIP for analytics isn't right – so here are my latest findings:

Why am I missing my GeoIP data?

I spent some time this week looking at a client site whose analytics data was missing GeoIP information. Since they had a valid license for Sitecore's GeoIP lookup service, this was a bit confusing. So, continuing my battle to write up all the unexpected scenarios...