Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts tagged NuGet

The official Sitecore NuGet feed is here!

Wild times in the Sitecore world, as the release of v8.2 is has brought a load of new features. One I'm particularly pleased about is that there is now an official NuGet feed for your Sitecore references. I've been asking pretty much every Sitecore employee I've spoken to about doing this for years now, and finally it's here.

So now I've read the release notes and finished a quick chair dance of joy, it's time to dive in and see what it's all about...

NuGet Sitecore ~5 min. read

Using NuGet for Sitecore dev instances: Uses and conclusions

In my last two posts [first part, second part] I've outlined the results of some research into an approach for how you can package Sitecore with NuGet. I presented this at a recent Sitecore Technical User Group, and am documenting it here with a bit of detail that didn't fit into the presentation. This week I'll finish off the set of posts with a few conclusions from this experiment.

Using NuGet for Sitecore dev instances: Further files

Last week I started writing up the content from my Sitecore Technical User Group presentation on using NuGet for the easy creation of new development instances. This week I'm continuing that topic, with the next steps for package creation:

Using NuGet for Sitecore dev instances: Background and beginnings

A couple of weeks ago I had the chance to speak at the Sitecore Technical User Group in Manchester. I gave a talk about experiments into how you can put Sitecore into a NuGet package in order to create low-effort developer instances. Due to time constraints I wasn't able to get all of the information I wanted into the presentation, so over the course of my next three posts I plan to write up the key info from the presentation with that extra detail.

Using Nuget for your references to Sitecore DLLs

NuGet is a really useful tool for managing external references for your .Net projects. It's also a tool that the Sitecore community are making good use of, with loads of useful Sitecore extensions available as packages. Plus it's been extended with the ability to deploy things into a Sitecore instance. Another potential use in Sitecore projects (that I've not found much discussion of) is for your references to the Sitecore DLLs themselves. I've been experimenting with this on some of my projects, so thought I'd write down what I've tried.