Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts from April 2024

Expiring links I know will go bad over time

Seems better that they get removed from the pages?

It struck me recently that there are a few places in this blog where I linked to pages I know will disappear over time. The examples that started me thinking about this were the Symposium and SUGCON websites that get published each year. They tend to reuse the same domain names from year to year without archiving the old content. So those links go stale fairly quickly, and posts from years back now point to this year's events by default. So I started wondering if I could fix this issue automatically...

Statiq Blog ~6 min. read

How SecurityDisabler and similar 'switcher' objects work in Sitecore

You've probably used these objects, but did you ever think about how they work?

Just because stuff is "old" doesn't mean it's not interesting... I found myself having a discussion with a colleague recently about the state management patterns that Sitecore uses for things like SecurityDisabler and how they work in the ASP.Net pipeline. It's not new tech, but it is an interesting pattern which you might find uses for outside your XP implementations...