Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts from February 2024

Confusing myself with Sitecore's database authentication

Containers are set up differently, and that can bite...

Sometimes things you think you know turn out not to be right. I got bitten by this issue recently, and it seemed like something to write down. Because being wrong is fine, as long as you learn something...

When not to follow 'the rules'...

You have to understand them to know when you can break them

There are certain "rules of programming" that I keep hearing about in my career. One that came up in an interesting work debate recently was "you should never use regular expressions to parse HTML". Don't get me wrong - there can be a lot of useful knowledge wrapped up in these rules, but should we always follow them to the letter? I think it's an interesting question...

C# .Net ~4 min. read