Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts from July 2019

Another Marketing Automation gotcha

Following on from my recent post about how I was able to mess up my life by getting Marketing Automation connection strings wrong, I hit another interesting issue with MA – this time around content languages...

Sitecore Bug ~1 min. read

Shooting myself in the foot with Marketing Automation

I had another of my fun chats with Sitecore Support recently, for an issue that seemed to get no useful results in Google when I looked. So, as is my way, I'm filling that search-engine void today. This turned out to be entirely my fault – but it seems like the sort of mistake that others might encounter too... So if you've deployed a distributed instance of Sitecore and found Marketing Automation was behaving oddly, read on...

SIF Sitecore ~1 min. read

Pay attention to your index exclusions

I hit an interesting issue recently: Some code that worked fine on a QA instance of Sitecore had been deployed for UAT and was now failing with an odd error message. Whilst this issue was entirely our fault, there wasn't much in Google about the error messages I was seeing, so I'm trying to correct that problem today...

Sitecore Solr ~2 min. read