Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts from July 2020

Thinking about importing content?

We spend a lot of time worrying about the marketing content, and the general website text and images in Sitecore. A lot gets said about patterns for organising that content. But some projects have information that comes from external systems that needs to be rendered on the website. And plenty of sites choose to integrate that into their main content tree. Over the years I've bumped into a few problems because of this – usually because I find myself supporting something where poor decisions were made early in the design process for the integration. So here's some things to think carefully about if you're planning work that relies on back-end data:

Sitecore ~7 min. read

An interesting diversion into procedural generation...

Outside of work I've been looking for non-Sitecore things to experiement with recently, and my eye was caught by a bit of interesting game development technology. I came across a discussion of using code to generate game data with a technique called "Wavefunction Collapse". It's a simple concept, but it has some interesting results, so I thought I'd have a go at an implementation myself.

General ~4 min. read