I've been slowly improving the release process for the container-based project I'm working on. There's a lot to learn about the ways to configure the Azure Devops pipelines for this work, because targeting Kubernetes is quite different from the old IaaS and PaaS approaches I was used to.
Now a Sitecore deployment often involves tasks for things like "sync Unicorn" or similar, which have to take place after you've deployed your new images. So it's necessary for the release pipeline to wait for Kubernetes to finish this whole process of updating images before triggering Unicorn.
So how can DevOps do that waiting job?
And helpfully DevOps has a pipeline step which can run this command with its various parameters:
So I configured an initial attempt in DevOps that waited for all the pods in my namespace to be ready, and give me output data in a json format. (So I could see what went on after the deploy completed) I also picked a pretty big timeout, since it can take a while for all the pods in a Sitecore XP deployment download and get ready. The command line equivalent of the setup in DevOps looks like:
kubectl.exe wait --for=condition=Ready pods --all -n client-namespace --timeout=2700s -o json
And I tried some command-line tests against a demo instance, where this worked. But when I used it in DevOps against my client's official Kubernetes instance it sat and waited forever. Even when the release of my new images appeared to be complete, this command didn't finish.
Back to the drawing board...
The first issue here was really obvious in retrospect. When you deploy Sitecore to containers, you need to initialise the databases and the Solr indexes. Sitecore's container-based release process includes running some job containers to do this – and these had been run in the client's deployment. But after running they had not been removed again. So I had two job containers sitting in a "done my job" state. But my wait command above wants all the containers to be in the "Ready" state – and completed jobs are not.
So learning point #1: Finished jobs are still important...
But that wasn't the only issue: I was also seeing warnings from DevOps where it complained that the wait operation was generating too much data:
2021-02-03T14:00:24.2280843Z ##[warning]Output variable not set as kubectl command output exceeded the maximum supported length. Output length: 413314, Maximum supported length: 32766 2021-02-03T14:00:24.2289418Z ##[warning]Capturing deployment metadata failed with error: YAMLException: unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar at line 1353, column 1:
Turns out that when you have all the pods for a Sitecore XP setup, and you tell kubectl to return details as json, that generates quite a lot of data.
So learning point #2: DevOps doesn't want lots of your debug data...
kubectl.exe wait --for=condition=Ready pods -l app=cm -n sitecore --timeout=2700s
Instead of waiting for all the pods, I've changed to waiting for just the CM pod to be ready. That's the key thing for my onward deployment – in that my next step involves talking to the CM box. And the other thing is that there's now no output command. That means it's not flooding the DevOps agent log with piles of data.
And with those two changes in place, my deployment proceeds correctly. And so unlike the play in the title, the deployment does arrive at the right state eventually...
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