Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts from May 2024

Booting up an ancient VM image

This feels a bit like archaeology...

A very long time ago I managed a server with some websites on it. So long ago, in fact, that this "cutting edge" deployment was on Windows 2000 Server. I made a virtual machine backup of this server at the time, burned the files onto a DVD and filed this away in case I ever needed it. And recently I had reason to want some data off this ancient machine. I was able to get it fired up, but it took a little effort to get there. It feels like a minor miracle that I was able to make this run, so I wanted to write down some of the things I messed about with - partly so I'll remember if I ever have to do something similar again, and partly because this might be of interest to (a small number of) others too...

Blank white screen from local XM Cloud Rendering host?

No idea how I broke it, but do have one way to fix it...

There are some days when technology just doesn't want to play ball. And in my experience 99% of these days are when you're on a developer training course and its the exercise/labs machine that's being difficult. I had this recently on the XM Cloud developer intro course. I've no idea if anyone else would ever see this issue (or how it was caused) but it didn't return much useful info in Google, and I did find a way to fix for my problem. So it's documentation time...