Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts tagged PowerShell (Page 4)

What did I need to deploy again?

Recently I found myself at the end of a sprint where a collection of developers had worked on a lot of different things in a pre-existing Sitecore solution. I needed to be able to deploy only the changes that were part of the sprint, and I had to generate a deployment package that could be installed by the client. And I didn't have access to any fancy tools such as Hedgehog TDS, that can be used to automate these things in other ways.

Bonus chatter: PowerShell and automated installs

Edit: When I wrote this post I didn't know what the SC_IISSITE_ID parameter to the MSI was for. Since then I've discovered what it does. And it turns out that it and another parameter not discussed here are quite important if you want to install more than one instance of Sitecore on the same machine. If you want to make use of the automated approach below, you should also read my more recent post about the parameters.

I got a question on twitter the other day about how you might go about using the automated install ideas I posted recently in a PowerShell script.

I'm not much of a PowerShell user, but here are a couple of suggestions: