Last week I looked at some simple PowerShell script to automate installing packages into Sitecore instances. Having spent a bit of time testing this process, I found a couple of useful tips for speeding it up:
So it makes sense to fire of some simple requests to the Sitecore site before you try to install packages:
function Start-Sitecore(){ $siteName = Get-ConfigParam "InstanceName" $url = "http://$siteName/" Write-Host "Starting Sitecore..." $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -TimeoutSec 0 if($result.StatusCode -ne 200){ throw "Sitecore failed to start at url $url" } else { Write-Host "Public site started..." } $url = $url + "sitecore/" $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -TimeoutSec 0 if($result.StatusCode -ne 200){ throw "Sitecore UI failed to start at url $url" } else { Write-Host "Admin site started..." } }
This bit of code makes a request to the instance name (to load the public site) and then to the
folder to initialise the admin interface.
<configuration xmlns:patch=""> <sitecore> <settings> <setting name="Indexing.UpdateInterval"> <patch:attribute name="value">00:00:00</patch:attribute> </setting> </settings> </sitecore> </configuration>
We can add a reference to a file containing this patch to the config for the install:
<config> <params> <param name="IndexPatchFile">.\files\StopLucene.config</param> </params> </config>
And then disabling indexing is as simple as copying that patch file to the right folder:
function Disable-Indexing(){ Write-Host "Disabling indexing..." $siteName = Get-ConfigParam "InstanceName" $sitecorePatchFolder = "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\$($siteName)\Website\App_Config\Include" $patchFilePath = Get-ConfigParam "IndexPatchFile" Copy-Item $patchFilePath $sitecorePatchFolder }
This function can be run immediately before starting Sitecore and then installing the package files. And once the packages are installed, the automatic indexing can be re-enabled by simply deleting the patch file again:
function Enable-Indexing(){ Write-Host "Re-enabling indexing..." $siteName = Get-ConfigParam "InstanceName" $sitecorePatchFolder = "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\$($siteName)\Website\App_Config\Include" $patchFilePath = Get-ConfigParam "IndexPatchFile" $patchFile = (Split-Path -Path $patchFilePath -Leaf) $file = Join-Path $sitecorePatchFolder $patchFile Remove-Item $file }↑ Back to top