Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts tagged GraphQL

What happens if you duplicate field names?

We're told not to get into this state, but why?

Data Template inheritance. Most of the time it's great and a powerful tool to help you define your content schema effectively. But there are a few places where it can trip you up - and one of the interesting ones is duplicated field names. I found myself chatting about what actually happens and how this might affect PowerShell scripts and headless code recently, and it seemed worth writing down...

Challenges with Sitecore's GraphQL tooling

When your prototyping tools don't work the way you expect

I've started looking at the details of the Headless Services GraphQL endpoints in Sitecore recently. And as part of this research, I got a bit confused trying to test queries in the Sitecore UI. I've worked out what was up, but maybe others will find themselves in a similar situation, so: