Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts from February 2018

Now is the time to seriously consider your Content Security Policy

News stories about hacking and malware are depressingly common these days. Here in the UK I think we've not really dealt with all the fall-out from last May when parts of our health service (along with many other businesses) were hit by the "Wannacry" ransomware worm. Yet another security incident happened the other day which will get less press coverage (since it's nowhere near as dramatic) but has bigger implications for us as web develelopers...

JavaScript Security ~4 min. read

Spotting common challenges when you're doing performance tracing

I find myself doing quite a lot of work on performance for Sitecore websites at the moment. Whenever I do a similar job for a group of clients, I start to spot patterns in the sites I'm working on – and it struck me that there are some common performance issues that can be spotted just from the overview graphs you see when you collect trace data.

So to try and help you all improve the sites you ship, here are three that I've come across in a few projects recently: