Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts from October 2018

What do you mean it's not editable any more?

So while battling the jetlag that hit me pretty hard getting back from Sitecore Symposium, this issue came popped up in my bug queue last week. QA reported that a certain component on a test page was not allowing one field to be edited. It had worked in the past, but the behaviour suddenly changed so that one field no longer got the "you can edit this" overlay in Experience Editor. It took me longer than it should have to work out why...

Get your Sitecore Symposium slides

I did a talk about measuring site performance at Sitecore Symposium this year. It seemed to go pretty well, I think:

Symposium ~½ min. read

Community advice for (conference) speakers

So Sitecore Sitecore Symposium**1 is very nearly upon us again. And this year (for the first time!) I'll be presenting a session. [Unless it gets moved again: Day 2 (Tuesday 9th), 16:15 in Swan 2 – "Measure if you want to go faster" – A developer's introduction to improving performance by measuring your code**2 ]

When this year's speakers first found out that their talk abstracts had been accepted, there was a bit of discussion on the Sitecore Slack about things speakers might want to know or do. And I've been meaning to write this up for a while, because there were quite a few things I saw that were worth sharing to help anyone else who's looking forward to their first opportunity to speak...