Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts from August 2021

Recovering from a packaging mistake

A while back I got a support issue where a client's Content Editor was suddenly very broken. No UI – just a giant YSOD. It's turned out to be the sort of mistake which I could see happening to others, so here's some info on what happened and ways the problem can be resolved.

Sitecore ~3 min. read

The power of implicit conversions

There are bits of the C# language that we don't think about too much when writing websites – and implicit conversions are one of those things. But while I've been messing about with some ray-tracing code in evenings recently, I found a couple of examples they patterns they can be a help with...

C# ~3 min. read

Repeatable delays from data

I had an interesting discussion recently, about how some code could calculate a "random" but deterministic numeric value based on some data. This made me think of the classic old concept of "checksums" as a possible solution. Here's what I was thinking about:

C# ~2 min. read