Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts from May 2023

Sitecore, time zones and containers

Wherever it pops up, time-based stuff is tricky

To customise a very old joke, there are only two difficult issues in IT: Naming things, Time calculations, and off-by-one errors. And adding containers into the mix raises even more fun. I recently hit an issue where containerised Sitecore needed to use a different time zone to the physical servers it was hosted on. So what can be done to configure this? Here's two things that can help:

Does Bing dislike Cloudflare?

Can't say for certain, but it certainly correlates...

I started migrating my writings off WordPress and over to this GitHub Pages site towards the end of 2021. And since I've done that I've not been able to get any search coverage of this site in Bing. But suddenly it seems to be starting to work. And it's looking like it might be related to CloudFlare...