Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts tagged Commerce

Customising product data in Content Hub

Chances are you need to store some non-standard stuff...

Content Hub is a product I don't get to use too often, so I find myself digging about a bit to remember the details of some customisation and setup. So having had to do some investigations into how to customise the Product Content Management features recently I figured both myself and search engines might benefit from some notes on the subject for the future. And maybe you will too...

A subtle clash-of-namespace bug in Commerce

Recently I got the opportunity to do Sitecore's "Implementing Experience Commerce" training course, and get certified in the details of how Commerce works these days. While I was doing the lab exercises for the course I hit an interesting bug, which seemed like just the sort of thing that others might encounter.

So if you're extending the Commerce OData APIs, watch out: