Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts from December 2014

Another nice feature in C#6.0

Ok, so it's technically Christmas and I should really be eating too many mince pies and watching repeats of early 80s sitcoms instead of blogging. But somehow I can't stop technology catching my eye.

Do your UI controls need to change style depending on where they're used?

It's not an uncommon requirement to have a control on your website which displays its data with varying styles in different locations in the site. Here are a few simple patterns for how you can create Sitecore UI components which can have their display style changed by location.

Three simple patterns for finding a target page

Quite often when you're putting together a website, you find yourself needing to link the current page to some sort of shared page for an action. "Click here to read terms and conditions" is a common example – where all your products need to be able to link to the Ts & Cs page.

A naive implementation might just hard code the path here, but that is inherently fragile. Renaming or moving the page can easily break your code. So what better approaches might you consider for meeting your requirement while allowing editors flexibility? Having talked about these patterns with colleagues a few times recently, I thought I'd write down some of the basics as a reference for future conversations.

Sorting for search, when you're living in the dark ages

I've written before about filtering data in Lucene searches if you're still using Sitecore 6.x. Having been doing more legacy work on this front over the last couple of weeks, I've got a couple of new things to add. Previously, the search work I'd been doing had relied on the default "relevance" sort order, or LINQ OrderBy clauses. However recently I've needed to enable some more complicated sorting, which has lead me to a few new (to me, at least) discoveries.