Quick one this week. Mostly to try and save my own blushes, because the issue here was completely my fault. For the first time on a particular project I was trying to do some Coveo development work. I had created a page based on the default MVC templates they provide for search, but when I tried to add a Facet in Content Editor, I found myself staring at this:
No picker for the field to facet on – so no way to make the Facet component work...
Every so often, the move from WebForms style projects to MVC ones throws up a challenging question. An issue which I came across recently, is how do you cope with a situation where two independent components on a page need to exchange data? In WebForms projects there we could connect them together via the Layout's Code Behind, and in front-end situations JavaScript can do a similar job for us. But the situation requires back-end code and we're using MVC it's a bit more of a challenge...