Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts from November 2024

Optimising your allocations in .Net

If you want to go fast, you need to care about memory...

I spend most of my working life building website code at work, and sometimes I get involved in performance work with that sort of system. In fact I've written and presented on that topic for Sitecore in the past. But some code I've been working on in my own time needs much more focus on code performance than that - the maths-heavy code for ray tracing. I've been looking at some optimisiations for that recently. And one thing that this has reinforced for me is how "easy to write" code can have some performance challenges...

Extracting blog article headings for navigation

I've been meaning to implement this for a while...

I've wanted to add some logic to this site to display article headings as navigation for a while. And I've also been thinking it would be helpful if you were able to link directly to headings. Pleasingly the Statiq engine makes doing this pretty simple, so here's how my attempt works:

C# Statiq ~6 min. read