Recently I found myself looking at a Visual Studio project where the build was not behaving in the way I expected. So I was forced to try a few debugging techniques to work out what was up. And in the process of trying to resolve the problem, I discovered an interesting tool to help with scenarios like this. So if you find yourself stuck with a misbehaving MSBuild script here are a couple of ideas:
It's school holidays as I type this, which means I've been out of the office keeping kids entertained rather than doing anything interesting with code. But all is not lost – because it leaves time for playing some games instead. That reminded me of a conversation I had at Sitecore's Symposium last year about "games I like because they appeal to me as a programmer" – so I thought I'd make a list of the stuff I've enjoyed wasting time with in the last few years (When I've not been playing Minecraft or Terraria with my eldest), in case they appeal to anyone else...