A while back I wrote a bit about how you might integrate Extra External ID with Sitecore to provide a very minimal IDAM integration for login. But in the follow-ups to the internal discussions that gave me the idea for that post, my project started talking about alternatives to Entra. So what might you be able to do if you chose Ping Identity instead?
I did a little proof-of-concept hacking recently around the idea of "what's the least work required to allow your existing Sitecore website public login to move to Entra". I ended up with the bones of an interesting approach, which might be of interest to others. So read on for ideas:
One of the interesting announcements from last year's Symposium was Sitecore's approach to how we might join up our composable applications. They announced that they were working on "Sitecore Connect" at this event, but didn't really get into detail of what it would be outside of "we're re-badging Workato". So what is that, and what does it suggest we might get out of Connect in the future? Read on, for an attempt at working that out...
After a bit more of a pause than most attendees of Symposium this year were expecting, Sitecore 10.3 is finally out in the wild now. And (to me at least) one of the most interesting changes is that the server-side event model for the CMS has been extended with Webhooks. What does that mean, and how can you make use of them? Well since I was lucky enough to get my hands on the "MVP Preview" of this release a couple of weeks back, I've had a chance to do some digging. Read on to find out...
I wasn't at SUGCON this year, but I was watching the Twitter reactions, and I've chatted to a few community people about what was said at the event. And in amongst all the exiting technical stuff about XM Cloud, I think there's one slide which really stands out to me...