Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts tagged Sitecore (Page 2)

Avoiding Display Name confusion

A trick to rememeber in Content Editor

I had a moment of frustration recently, when I spent a while looking for a Data Template in a particular Sitecore site and couldn't find it because a previous developer had set a Display Name. As a result of moaning about this Corey Smith reminded me of a way I could have helped myself here, and it seemed like something to share...

Blank white screen from local XM Cloud Rendering host?

No idea how I broke it, but do have one way to fix it...

There are some days when technology just doesn't want to play ball. And in my experience 99% of these days are when you're on a developer training course and its the exercise/labs machine that's being difficult. I had this recently on the XM Cloud developer intro course. I've no idea if anyone else would ever see this issue (or how it was caused) but it didn't return much useful info in Google, and I did find a way to fix for my problem. So it's documentation time...

How SecurityDisabler and similar 'switcher' objects work in Sitecore

You've probably used these objects, but did you ever think about how they work?

Just because stuff is "old" doesn't mean it's not interesting... I found myself having a discussion with a colleague recently about the state management patterns that Sitecore uses for things like SecurityDisabler and how they work in the ASP.Net pipeline. It's not new tech, but it is an interesting pattern which you might find uses for outside your XP implementations...

What's this Accelerate business?

Summarising my recent user group talk

The other week I got the chance to do a talk for the Manchester user group in the UK about the what & why of Sitecore's Accelerate program. It seemed like a topic that was worth summarising here as well, for people who prefer to read their info rather than watch it...

Looking forward to SUGCON EU

What's caught my eye on the agenda?

Earlier this week, I got my first chance to take a look at the agenda for this year's SUGCON EU**1 (in Dublin next month), and a few things jumped out for me as things I probably want to watch at the event. Maybe they'd be of interest to you too?

Sitecore SUGCON ~3 min. read

Confusing myself with Sitecore's database authentication

Containers are set up differently, and that can bite...

Sometimes things you think you know turn out not to be right. I got bitten by this issue recently, and it seemed like something to write down. Because being wrong is fine, as long as you learn something...

A fun gotcha with Azure Front Door Premium

How the config of a PaaS App Service can get into a loop with Front Door

I bumped into an interesting redirect-loop issue with a Sitecore instance sitting behind Azure Front Door recently. It's not a product I know a great deal about, so this seemed worth writing down in case I come across it again, or others bump into the same challenge. Turns out it wasn't a Sitecore-specific issue, but its definitely something which could affect other Sitecore sites...

XM Cloud: We're on a journey

Strap in - We're heading for the future!

There was a lot of interesting discussion at SUGCON NA and the MVP Summit towards the back-end of last year. I've got piles of notes I took about stuff that caught my attention over the course of those events. But out of all the sessions, one specific thing stuck out to me as a vision of our future as Sitecore developers. And it's a topic that's come up a few times in my conversations with people at work and in the general community. So it seemed like it was worth writing about...

Sitecore XM Cloud ~6 min. read

Tripped up by boolean values in Rule-Based Config

I thought this just did string matching, but it seems not...

I wasted a few hours recently when I did something which seemed entirely reasonable with Rule-Based Config in Sitecore and it did not work the way I thought it would. Here's an explanation of what I did and what happened as a result, so you can avoid making the same mistake as me...

Adding UTM codes to RSS links in Sitecore

An nice little example of extending Sitecore's default RSS Feed implementation

There aren't that many places where RSS gets used these days (Shame! It's still good!), but that doesn't stop the occasional requirement for it coming up in projects. Recently I was having some discussions about how a client's site could offer RSS for their content which included custom UTM codes in the feed links. That's not too tricky to achieve with Sitecore, so here's an example of what you might do.