Content Hub is a product I don't get to use too often, so I find myself digging about a bit to remember the details of some customisation and setup. So having had to do some investigations into how to customise the Product Content Management features recently I figured both myself and search engines might benefit from some notes on the subject for the future. And maybe you will too...
I've written a few things about diagnosing memory issues in Sitecore over the years, but one topic I've not covered in detail is anything around "how to spot when it's not piles of your own objects that's causing the issue". Problems like leaking handles can have an obvious link back to the custom code that you can spot fairly easily in diagnostic data. But not all memory issues do. I was discussing a possible example of this with a colleague recently, and it seemed like another thing to write down...
When I was writing about dealing with memory analysis for Sitecore recently I focused on a site running under Auzre PaaS. But what if you're working in Docker locally? A good question it turns out...
Recently I got a fun question from a fellow dev: After pulling some changes and doing a sync of serialised data they were expecting to see some forms in the Experience Forms editor so they could work on them. But nothing was showing up... The root cause here is a bit of a classic issue that many people will have seen before, but it still seemed worth writing it up. Even if just to emphasise that this has been around for a while and it's still a thing even if you're using containers.
I wrote about diagnosing some issues with static event bindings in a previous post, and talked about finding these issues of "subscribing more than you unsubscribe" with memory dumps. But finding this sort of a problem before it becomes an issue is better if you can, so what techniques might we use for that?
A while back I wrote a bit about how you might integrate Extra External ID with Sitecore to provide a very minimal IDAM integration for login. But in the follow-ups to the internal discussions that gave me the idea for that post, my project started talking about alternatives to Entra. So what might you be able to do if you chose Ping Identity instead?
After my recent delve into memory optimisation for non-work code, I spent some time recently investigating a memory issue in a production Sitecore site. The outcome of that was an issue which can be a common problem for .Net code. So in the hope of seeing it less in the future, here are some notes on what I saw and how you can avoid the same trap...
Symposium is over for another year. I have mostly recovered from the jet-lag now and I've wrestled my inbox into submission at work. So it's time to write up my thoughts on the conference. I took about 35 pages of notes over the course of the week, plus countless photos of slides. So from all that what stuck out as interesting to me?
I did a little proof-of-concept hacking recently around the idea of "what's the least work required to allow your existing Sitecore website public login to move to Entra". I ended up with the bones of an interesting approach, which might be of interest to others. So read on for ideas:
I quite often clone Sitecore's Docker Examples repo and spin up a Sitecore instance to experiment with. It's a quick way to create a disposable site which I can easily configure and deploy little bits of test code to. But recently I did this and noticed some odd warnings. So here's what happened and why, to help you avoid the same issue...