Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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A blog about technology that catches my attention (Page 5)

It's a bit like a swap-file for my brain...

10 years, 331 posts and counting

A quick trick for exploring job images

It can be tricky to explore a container which doesn't run for long

Most of the time when I want to explore the filesystem of a Sitecore container, it's pretty easy. I can use Visual Studio's container browser. But that only works when a container is running - and if it's based on a job image this may be a very brief window - too brief to find and explore the file in question. So what can I do?

Revisiting extracting the raw Solr query

Not all breaking changes make it into release notes

A while back I wrote a post about how you could extract the raw Solr query from Sitecore's ContentSearch APIs. Usually the queries hid behind LINQ operations, but there are times where having the raw text can be helpful - sometimes Sitecore's API doesn't support the operations you need. That work was done under Sitecore v10.0, but having tried to repeat it under v10.2, I discover it no longer works. There have been some changes under the surface of ContentSearch which require a different approach. So if you need to do this under v10.2, here's how:

Docker Desktop v4.14/v4.15/v4.16 breaks Windows Containers?

Do you have issues with the \\.\pipe\docker_engine_windows named pipe too?

The other day my copy of Docker Desktop on two different work laptops prompted me to update. And neither would work properly after the update completed. In case this issue is affecting others, here's the saga of what I saw and two ways it can be fixed:

Webhooks in Sitecore 10.3

A new way to wire up integrations

After a bit more of a pause than most attendees of Symposium this year were expecting, Sitecore 10.3 is finally out in the wild now. And (to me at least) one of the most interesting changes is that the server-side event model for the CMS has been extended with Webhooks. What does that mean, and how can you make use of them? Well since I was lucky enough to get my hands on the "MVP Preview" of this release a couple of weeks back, I've had a chance to do some digging. Read on to find out...

Discovering C# exception filters

An older language feature I'd not noticed

There's been a lot going on with language development in C# over the last couple of years. But despite all the current change for things like record types and generic maths, there are some changes from older versions that I somehow missed. This week social media put me on to the concept of contextual filters for exception handling. What's that? Read on...

.Net C# ~2 min. read

What happened to my Insert Options?

Proof that just because I've been doing this for a decade, I do not know it all...

I had a moment of confusion with broken Insert Options recently, which made me wonder whether I ever knew the answer behind the issue or whether I'd just forgotten it over the many years I've been working with this CMS. Either way, this needs writing down to help me remember it in the future...

Key points from Symposium 2022

I filled a notebook - but here's a summary

Having been in Chicago for the last week to attend Symposium and the MVP summit, I now have a notebook full of interesting observations. While some of that is under NDA and hence all Secret Squirrel, there were a collection of important public announcements which I can report. The key product and technical take-aways from the conferece are pretty important for customers and partners. So here's my summary:

Sitecore Symposium ~7 min. read

Can I have trackbacks on my static blog?

It would be nice - but is it feasible?

One of the side-effects of being pretty old, and having been around The Internet for some time is that every so often I get to be the Old Man Shouting at Clouds over things I think went wrong along the way. (Or "progress" as people sometimes call it) And one thing that's really struck me recently is how Blogs have changed in recent years...

Statiq Search ~6 min. read

Strange Docker / Zookeeper errors

You can't win them all...

Usually with these blog posts, I find a problem, I fight with it for a bit, and then I solve the problem. But this post has been sitting half-written in my publishing queue since May (!) this year, and I have entirely failed to solve this issue. So I'm admitting defeat, and publishing this anyway because maybe one of you knows the answer. Or at least it might serve as a warning...

My issue is that I've been working through some really odd and annoying Solr issues which only manifest in Docker on one laptop. I'm really not sure if these are issues that others might see, or if this is a problem that's entirely down to this laptop's setup. But they're definitely a problem...

Hosting ASP.Net Core 7 Preview 7 under IIS

Fresh server gives fresh pain

I was hacking up an app as a personal project recently, and decided to try out the latest preview (Number 7) of ASP.Net Core for .Net 7. I happened to be deploying this project to a server which had never run ASP.Net Core before, and that deployment left me scratching my head for some time. So in case this issue hits others, here's what happened to me: