Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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A blog about technology that catches my attention (Page 9)

It's a bit like a swap-file for my brain...

10 years, 340 posts and counting

Symposium's vision for SaaS

There was a lot of interesting information releases during Sitecore Symposium**1 last week. Since I had to summarise this for a work event, I figured I should reuse those thoughts, and write up a brief summary of some of the announcements that caught my attention, and (importantly) Sitecore's vision their future SaaS product:

Sitecore containers and expired licenses

Sometimes you have a problem that you should absolutely have seen coming. The annual "the company's Sitecore license has expired" fun is very much one of those things. But I'd not thought about this in advance, and the license expired while I was on holiday this year. It caused my team a load of hassle... But I have a plan to avoid this pain in the future:

Containers Sitecore ~3 min. read

Using ItemService in containers

I was asked to enable Sitecore's ItemService endpoints on a containerised instance of Sitecore recently, and my first pass through this didn't work. Turns out there's a key bit of documentation that seems to be missing for this scenario. Hence a quick post to help get info into Google. So if you need to do this, read on:

Recovering from a packaging mistake

A while back I got a support issue where a client's Content Editor was suddenly very broken. No UI – just a giant YSOD. It's turned out to be the sort of mistake which I could see happening to others, so here's some info on what happened and ways the problem can be resolved.

Sitecore ~3 min. read

The power of implicit conversions

There are bits of the C# language that we don't think about too much when writing websites – and implicit conversions are one of those things. But while I've been messing about with some ray-tracing code in evenings recently, I found a couple of examples they patterns they can be a help with...

C# ~3 min. read

Repeatable delays from data

I had an interesting discussion recently, about how some code could calculate a "random" but deterministic numeric value based on some data. This made me think of the classic old concept of "checksums" as a possible solution. Here's what I was thinking about:

C# ~2 min. read

Revisiting waiting for Kubernetes deployments

Some time back, when I was looking at how to release containerised Sitecore into Azure Kubernetes Clusters, I worked through the question of "how do I make DevOps wait for the new images to be deployed", because you might want to run further work after the new containers are spun up. While what I tried back then was mostly working, I've found some reasons to try a different tack since then.

Kubernetes Sitecore ~3 min. read

So, are you an Infinidash expert yet?

It seems everyone is suddenly an expert in this exciting new tech. And if you weren't paying attention, you may have missed the joke behind all of this – that it's an entirely made-up technology. Funny as the twitter shenangans were, I think there's a point hiding here for us as developers. What is it? Well...

Sitecore ~3 min. read

A second pass at async pipelines

Last time out I was looking at applying async/await patterns to some pipeline patterns for C#. After I came up with the initial solution I outlined in that post, there was some more back-and-forth in the discussion thread that prompted all this. And that discussion made me realise there was an interesting side effect of the code I wrote, which might lead to some confusing bugs. So back to the drawing board...

C# Design Patterns ~5 min. read

Pipelines and async

Ages ago I wrote some posts about an approach to pipeline-style code patterns for C# code. Recently I got a question on a gist I'd written to go with that article, because someone was having issues adding async code into pipeline components. Async patterns are much more common now, but this wasn't something I'd actually tried. Cue some interesting experiments...

C# ~4 min. read