I wrote about diagnosing some issues with static event bindings in a previous post, and talked about finding these issues of "subscribing more than you unsubscribe" with memory dumps. But finding this sort of a problem before it becomes an issue is better if you can, so what techniques might we use for that?
Over the festive break I spent a bit of time trying some of the challenges in this year's Advent of Code. I wrote the logic for my answers using LINQPad, and it struck me that this has become one of my favourite developer tools. So here are a few of the reasons why it's become a key part of my toolkit, and why it might be a useful thing to add to yours too.
I spend most of my working life building website code at work, and sometimes I get involved in performance work with that sort of system. In fact I've written and presented on that topic for Sitecore in the past. But some code I've been working on in my own time needs much more focus on code performance than that - the maths-heavy code for ray tracing. I've been looking at some optimisiations for that recently. And one thing that this has reinforced for me is how "easy to write" code can have some performance challenges...
I've wanted to add some logic to this site to display article headings as navigation for a while. And I've also been thinking it would be helpful if you were able to link directly to headings. Pleasingly the Statiq engine makes doing this pretty simple, so here's how my attempt works:
I've written a few times before about trying to smooth out the rougher edges of the process of blogging with some custom tooling. Both the site generator I'm using these days, and the simple editor tool I hacked together to suit my writing process. I realised recently that one of those rough edges that remained in the process was the need to manually commit my writing to source control, so I wondered what it might take to wire that into my editing tool...
A while back I wrote about the transition from T4 templates to using Roslyn Source Generators for generating code in .Net Core solutions. While that worked for me, and I was able to get it to do what I needed, I was never really happy with all the output source as literal strings in the generator code. Recently I had another potential use for generated code, so I decided to try and fix this issue...
Just because stuff is "old" doesn't mean it's not interesting... I found myself having a discussion with a colleague recently about the state management patterns that Sitecore uses for things like
and how they work in the ASP.Net pipeline. It's not new tech, but it is an interesting pattern which you might find uses for outside your XP implementations...
There are certain "rules of programming" that I keep hearing about in my career. One that came up in an interesting work debate recently was "you should never use regular expressions to parse HTML". Don't get me wrong - there can be a lot of useful knowledge wrapped up in these rules, but should we always follow them to the letter? I think it's an interesting question...
The second idea on my "little things I'd meant to add to this blog for a while" list was reading time estimates. Like the reading progress indicator from before, this shouldn't be tricky, and in this case I wanted to write it down in case anyone else working with Statiq was interested in achieving something similar on their site.
Time for the final part of my series on controlling a web browser. With code to load a browser, and the overarching State Machine to control it, this part finishes off with the code for some states to load a page and extract its markup. Plus a few conclusions...