Jeremy Davis
Jeremy Davis
Sitecore, C# and web development
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Posts tagged Visual Studio

Memory issues might really be cache issues

Looking at a different sort of resource leak

I've written a few things about diagnosing memory issues in Sitecore over the years, but one topic I've not covered in detail is anything around "how to spot when it's not piles of your own objects that's causing the issue". Problems like leaking handles can have an obvious link back to the custom code that you can spot fairly easily in diagnostic data. But not all memory issues do. I was discussing a possible example of this with a colleague recently, and it seemed like another thing to write down...

Memory diagnostics for Sitecore under Docker

It's more manual, but it still works...

When I was writing about dealing with memory analysis for Sitecore recently I focused on a site running under Auzre PaaS. But what if you're working in Docker locally? A good question it turns out...

Optimising your allocations in .Net

If you want to go fast, you need to care about memory...

I spend most of my working life building website code at work, and sometimes I get involved in performance work with that sort of system. In fact I've written and presented on that topic for Sitecore in the past. But some code I've been working on in my own time needs much more focus on code performance than that - the maths-heavy code for ray tracing. I've been looking at some optimisiations for that recently. And one thing that this has reinforced for me is how "easy to write" code can have some performance challenges...

Fun gotchas with Sitecore GraphQL and .http files

Learn from my pain if you're using this tool to test queries

I was having a chat recently about alternatives to Postman if you needed to send HTTP requests to arbitrary web endpoints. I mentioned using Visual Studio's support for .http files for this during that discussion, and then found myself trying it out for some work too. But it seems there's a couple of tricky little bugs hiding in here, which tripped me up when I tried to set up a call to one of Sitecore's XM Cloud GraphQL endpoints.

Attaching a debugger to Sitecore in Docker

The approach I read on how to "how to attach your debugger to Sitecore inside Docker" by running docker inspect to fetch the current IP address, and pasting it into Visual Studio can be a bit of a faff. So I got to wondering: Are there other ways to achieve the same result?

Docker Visual Studio ~2 min. read

I think I found my reason not to use VS2019 for everything..

I've been using VS2019 for all my personal development work pretty much since the first preview came out. For general coding and debugging it's been good so far – stable, and effective. And little things like git stash control from the UI make me happy... It got its full release recently, just before I spoke at SUGCON 2019 – where I said I'd blog something about how 2019 changed the performance measurement stuff that I was presenting. Having done some tests in the last few days, it's not looking so shiny any more...

Memory deltas in Visual Studio debugging

Working on a couple of personal projects recently, I've been reminded again how helpful I find the profiling tools that Visual Studio's debugger gives you. As you may have guessed from some of my previous posts, every so often I get to worry about the performance of .Net code at work – but it's useful for any sort of project, not just Sitecore. And investigating some issues in my own code, memory snapshots and deltas helped me out again. So maybe they could help you too?

Visual Studio ~2 min. read

Measure if you want to go faster!

I got the chance to speak at the Manchester Sitecore user group recently, introducing some tools and tricks that can be used to measure site performance while you're developing your Sitecore code. For anyone who wasn't there (and those who were but, want to refer back to what I said) here's a summary of the important bits of content from that talk...

(Re)Discovering Visual Studio Snippets

I've been using the built-in code snippets in Visual Studio for years, but for some reason until last week it had never crossed my mind to work out how to create my own. After getting bored writing the same chunk of code too often, I was reminded of the old saying "You should automate any task you have to do more than once". So I decided to have a go at some snippets. Turns out it's both a useful trick to know, and not hard to do:

Visual Studio ~3 min. read

Banging my head against Git, Visual Studio 15 and SSL

Recently the hard drive in my trusty old laptop failed. Annoying, but ultimately it was just an excuse to go shopping, ignore most of my backup of the old machine and re-install all my programs from scratch. As part of that I decided that I'd try experimenting with the latest pre-release version of Visual Studio 15, to see if it was stable enough for me to use for my personal projects and blog coding now.

So having worked out how you re-install a "free upgrade from Win7" copy of Windows 10 and gone through through Visual Studio's new installer, I tried to clone some code from my private git server. Having been greeted with some cryptic errors, I've spent some time working out how to resolve the issue. So as ever, I'm writing it all down in case it's of help to others...

Visual Studio ~3 min. read